Classroom Reveal!!!!

It's finally time for #2getherwearebetter CLASSROOM REVEAL!!!

I am so happy this day is finally here. I have been itching to show off all my hard work of setting up my classroom before my children storm in ready to learn LOL :)!


Here is the view from the door of my classroom. I actually I was able to get the majority of the room. You can see everything but the front of the room.

I'm so thankful to have a wall of windows because I love to raise the shades and turn off the lights so the light comes in. I am all about going green and using sunlight to do so.

My tables were all layed out for Meet the Teacher Night. I didn't really choose seats for students, so the students that came go to choose where they go to sit. I teach sixth grade so I don't really do the name tag thing. I did last year, but this your it was more of headache to do and then have my students pick them off the table any way. 

I this the front of my classroom. I currently change what is the front of the room because I don't use my smart board as much this school year. I have a class set of chromebooks and I use the website Pear Deck, so I am able to broadcast my lessons through my Ipad on to the students screens with out the use of the smartboard. (My students like the closeness of the chromebook instead of having to look up and take notes from the smartboard)

I was able to occupy my two-year-old by turning on Mickey Mouse!!! This lasted for about an hour while I finished setting up my room. 

I love the new seating I have this school year. I was able to get stabilities balls from my partner and she received a new set with feet for her class, so two out of three sixth grade classrooms have stabilities. 

My favorite part of my classroom is my classroom library. I decided to use milk created because we had a shortage of shelves in my building, so last year I started collecting milk crates from the cafeteria (FREE). (Don't worry I zipped tied them to death! NOFALLING ON STUDENTS!!!)

The last part (but there are other I need to probably add because there is much more in my classroom to see) is my Graffiti Wall. I read Reading in the Wild this summer and I am not obsessed with Donalyn Miller. I love everything she says about building a community of reading and I believe this is so important. Reading is a life skill you will always need! My mission for my students is to really understand this and really value reading this school and for the rest of their lives!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Come back soon!

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